Hi folks! It’s been a while since I have done a mail call post, I have been sick, but thankfully I am feeling much better now!! Here is what I have gotten in the mail these past few weeks!
So far I have gotten:
FREE Box of Annie’s Classic Cheddar Mac & Cheese: This offer was last posted here on 7/12/18 (expired).
FREE Jiffy recipe book: This offer was last posted here on 7/12/18 (still available).
FREE Sun-Maid 100th Anniversary Recipe Booklet: This offer was last posted here on 7/12/18 (still available).
FREE mosquito repellent from Social Nature, which sadly, the offer is no longer available.
FREE Purina Muse Masterpieces Cat Food Sample: This offer was last posted here on 7/11/18 (expired).
FREE Garnier Whole Blends Gentle Shampoo & Conditioner Sample from PINCHme: This offer was last posted here on 6/7/18 (expired).
FREE Garnier Whole Blends Gentle Shampoo & Conditioner Sample: This offer was last posted here on 6/7/18 (still available).
FREE Bromley’s 7 Blade Razor (AWESOME FREEBIE!!): This offer was last posted here on 6/19/18 (expired).
FREE Sephora Collection Clay Mask Samples: This offer was last posted here on 6/15/18 (still available).
FREE L’Oreal Paris Smooth & Glow Pure-Sugar Scrub Sample: This offer was last posted here on 5/31/18 (still available).
FREE Case IH Hat: This offer was last posted here on 8/17/18 (still available). I received this hat yesterday, so if you signed up for it, it should be on its way if you have not already received it.
I also received various free magazine subscriptions.
Learn how to make a variety of slow cooker dessert recipes using cake mix with this ’16 To-Die-For Slow Cooker Cake Mix Recipes Free eCookbook’! In this free collection, you’ll find delicious slow cooker cake mix recipes which include:
- Chocolate Cake Mix Recipes (Examples: Gooey Chocolate Slow Cooker Cake, Chocolate Dump Cake, Chocolate Pound Cake)
- Yellow Cake Mix Recipes (Examples: Cake Mix Apple Pie Coffee Cake, Peach and Berry Cake Mix Cobbler, Raspberry Lemon Cake)
- White Cake Mix Recipes (Example: Coffee Caramel Cake)
- More Cake Mix Recipes (Examples: German Chocolate cake, Carrot Cake, Angel Food, Lemon Cake, Pumpkin Angel Food Cake with Caramel Sauce, Red and Wild Cherry Torte, Key Lime Cake, Coconut Cake and more!)
These recipes are very simple to make, few ingredients and the best part, you don’t have to use an oven!!
How would you like to know what you’re getting in the mail before your mail even arrives!? A few months ago, I signed up for the relatively new service being offered by the USPS, called Informed Delivery. And folks, I LOVE it!
Each morning I get an email labeled “Informed Delivery Daily Digest” and it gives me images of that day’s mail that will be arriving – hours before it actually arrives. I also get notices when a package is on it’s way to me, along with all the delivery details. This feature has been 100% spot on for me so far! I know when it’s worth it to check the mail or to just wait until the next day, haha!
This is a completely free service, but it’s not available everywhere right now. To sign up, click here to get started! You can also click here to learn more.
Click here to download the Informed Delivery Mobile App.
It’s Recipe Tuesday so let’s talk pickles!
My husband decided a few years ago to start gardening, and since then, he has brought in many delicious fruits and vegetables for us to enjoy. Just recently he started growing cucumbers for pickling and I have been enjoying turning our bounty into delicious pickles. After trying a few recipes, I came across a Garlic Jalapeño Dill Refrigerator Pickles recipe from Butter Your Biscuit and I have been hooked since. This recipe is very versatile, you can add more garlic, less garlic, no jalapeno, more jalapeno, whatever works for you. I have gotten many, and I mean a lot of compliments from these pickles! I can’t take all the credit though, Wendie over at Butter Your Biscuit really knows what she’s talking about.
And as I have mentioned many times, I like easy…the easier the better and these pickles are super easy. And folks, these pickles taste like I have mastered the art of pickling (lol), even though I am just a beginner, haha, they are that good ya’ll. Here’s the handy-dandy link here to this pickling recipe. Enjoy – hopefully they will last longer in your home than they do in mine!
Did you know that August 1st is celebrated as the Universal Birthday for Shelter Dogs? Our very own Forrest was rescued from a shelter almost 4 years ago, and I could not imagine our life without him.
So to honor this month, perhaps consider doing at least one of the following:
1. Ask for birthday donations instead of gifts: Ask your friends and family to give donations to their local animal shelter instead of birthday presents, maybe you can raise enough money to buy warm beds for dogs, or even some play toys! Even if it’s not your birthday, you can still ask your friends and family to help with donations for your local animal shelter, I know your donations would be greatly appreciated!
2. Volunteer at your local animal shelter: If you find a shelter that will let you volunteer, you can walk dogs, clean up after the animals, refill water bowls, and give out toys and treats. Even just being there to pet cats and scratch dogs behind the ears will help them feel less lonely.
3. Adopt animals from shelters: Instead of buying them from pet stores or breeders, adopt animals from local shelters. There are so many animals sitting in shelters just waiting for their forever home!
4. Foster an animal: There are so many animals in need of a safe temporary place to hang out while they recover from an illness or injury, and some puppies and kittens need a quiet place to grow, away from the busy animal shelter. If you can commit your time and resources to foster an animal, you’ll be helping two animals—the one you take into your home and another one who will get a place in the shelter.
This is a picture of our dog Forrest – we took this picture when we first brought him home from the shelter, almost 4 years ago:
And here is a picture of Forrest now:
It’s recipe Tuesday so I want to talk about Chicken a la King…
When I think of comfort food, I think of Chicken a la King. My dad, who rarely cooks (lol), would make Chicken a la King for us and it was so good, a real treat indeed. As we got older, my mom would keep the Chicken a la King that came in a can on hand so that we could make ourselves a quick meal if needed, my sister and myself loved it…even from a can, haha! Just recently, I had a craving for Chicken a la King, and when I asked my dad for his recipe, he could not remember how he made it, so I searched for a recipe and found one that sounded scrumptious and similar to what I grew up eating. I found a recipe that looked like it was worth trying over at SpendWithPennies, which offers easy homecooked comfort meal recipes.
Now don’t get me wrong, I still think Chicken a la King from a can is good (don’t judge me, lol), but this recipe is so much better. As you can see from my first photo above, I followed Holly’s suggestion (from over at SpendWithPennies) and used the puff pastry instead of the toast that I grew up using and I am so glad that I did, it took the Chicken a la King to a whole other level, ya’ll. My local grocery store sells the puff pastry shells (located in the frozen desert isle) and they worked perfect…any way to make cooking easier, I am all for it!
Click here to see the recipe that I made. My whole family loved this meal, even my very picky eater asked for seconds. And I love that it’s done is the slow cooker because it’s too hot here in Texas to be using the oven. When I made this, I added 1 tablespoon of lemon juice because the very original recipe calls for lemon juice, and my dad remembers using lemon juice in his recipe as well. Click here to read the history of this recipe and to see the original recipe that started it all.
I hope ya’ll enjoy it!!
My FREE Heart Paw Keychain arrived in the mail last Friday! I posted about this freebie offer on 7/22, you can see the post here (Still available!). The quality is great and I am impressed with how quickly they sent me this keychain!
So if you signed up for this freebie, it should be on its way if you have not already received it!
Did you sign up for the FREE Made in Nature Organic Snack product coupon that I have posted right here (sorry, this offer is expired) on HerSavings.com? If so, it should be on its way if you have not already received it! I am not sure if you can tell from the photo above, but my husband opened the package and ate some of the Figgypops before I could take a picture of them, lol – it’s a good thing he’s cute.
I found this product at Walmart, but unfortunately, my local Walmart did not have a big selection of Made in Nature products so I could not take advantage of the other high-value coupons that were also sent to me. I would have really liked to try the Coconut Chips. To find where these products are sold near you, click here.
Did you sign up for the FREE Harley Davidson Racing Stickers that I posted back on July 5th? You can click here to view the post and to sign up for the free stickers. My stickers arrived yesterday, so if you signed up for them, they should be on their way to you if you have not already received them.
I received 5 different stickers, all are of great quality and a nice size! As a homeschool mom, free stickers excite me, lol. I use stickers as a reward during our class time, each sticker represents 1 point and my son can cash in his points for a special prize. It’s a win/win for both of us.
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Albertsons Bath & Body Works CVS Fred Meyer HEB Kmart Kroger old navy Publix Rite Aid SafeWay Target Walgreens Walmart

Papa John’s: BOGO FREE Pizza Deal!
Home Depot: FREE Kids Workshop Event
11/11 Sunday Paper Coupon Insert Preview
IKEA: $25 off $150 Purchase Coupon
Sunday Coupon Funny
MinuteKEY Kiosk: FREE Key
Taco Bell: FREE Doritos Locos Tacos
FREE 5-Hour Energy Sticker
FREE Skittles Product Coupon
Today’s List Of Printable Coupons! 10/23