I want to remind everyone that tomorrow, July 11th, is the last day you can score 4 FREE Custom Bookmarks at Walgreens ($1.99 value)! In order for this to be completely free, you must select ‘in-store pickup’. Once you’ve customized your bookmarks, enter code PICYOURMARK at checkout!
Please note that this code may not work using their mobile app.
Attention Hallmark Gold Crown Members, every Friday through July 27th, you will be able to head to your local participating Hallmark Gold Crown store and choose one FREE card from the Just Because collection!
Not a Hallmark Gold Crown member? No worries, you can join Crown Rewards for free today, and save $5 on your next purchase!
Office Depot/Office Max and Staples are currently offering free document shredding with the following coupons!
Get 1 lb of FREE document shredding at Staples with this coupon. Expires 4/21/18.
(In-Store Freebie)
Attention Staples Rewards Members!
If you’re a Staples Rewards member, you might want to check your inbox to see if you received an email from Staples offering you a FREE Cleaning Product coupon! If your one of the lucky ones to score a coupon, simply print your email coupon or show it on your mobile phone. Please note that not everyone will receive this offer.
If you are not yet a Staples Rewards Member, you can click here to sign up for free!
All the offers after this post are expired – but feel free to look around! It’s kind of neat to see what kind of freebies were being offered 4 years ago!
HerSavings.com is updated daily, except for those 4 years I took a break to work on another site! So, yes, I have a lot of catching up to do…and a little more dusting…..haha!
And let me just say, it is so good to be back!
(Facebook Freebie)
Staples is offering a free custom 8.5″x11″ Photo Wall Calendar, complete with your friends pictures and birthdays! Once you are done creating the calendar, you can select in-store pickup to make it completely FREE!
Request a FREE 2014 Joyce Meyer Calendar! This freebie will arrive in your mailbox within 4 to 6 weeks.
Michaels is offering up 5 FREE Holiday Card Samples! Just click on 5 different cards that you’re interested in, then click the “Order Samples” button. Once you’ve got 5 cards in your cart, use promo code 5FREE to make them FREE, with free shipping!
What a great organization! Right now, you can head on over here and get FREE mailing labels! Just fill in your information, pick whether you would like “roses” or “America” and allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. You will be added to their email list, but you can opt-out at any time.
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Albertsons Bath & Body Works CVS Fred Meyer HEB Kmart Kroger old navy Publix Rite Aid SafeWay Target Walgreens Walmart

Papa John’s: BOGO FREE Pizza Deal!
Home Depot: FREE Kids Workshop Event
11/11 Sunday Paper Coupon Insert Preview
IKEA: $25 off $150 Purchase Coupon
Sunday Coupon Funny
MinuteKEY Kiosk: FREE Key
Taco Bell: FREE Doritos Locos Tacos
FREE 5-Hour Energy Sticker
FREE Skittles Product Coupon
Today’s List Of Printable Coupons! 10/23